måndag 21 december 2009

måndag 21 september 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Directed by Danny Boyle (British) and Loveleen Tandan (Indian), this film situated in the Mumbai area, India, received so many awards 2009.

Oscar for Best movie 2009: http://www.oscar.com/

BAFTA award for best film 2009: http://www.bafta.org/awards/film/film-nominations-in-2009,657,BA.html

Golden Globe for best film 2009: http://www.goldenglobes.org/

See the trailer:

fredag 18 september 2009

Film - This is England

The trailer for director Shane Meadow's film This is England.

Last Night of the Proms 2009

Edward Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance Marches - Land of Hope and Glory, conducted by David Robertson with the BBC Symphony Orchestra, BBC Singers and BBC Symphony Chorus, supported by the enthusiastic audience at the Royal Albert Hall, and all over the country at the Proms in the Park events.

Sarah Connolly (mezzo-soprano) sings Rule Britannia during Last Night of the Proms '09, inside the Royal Albert Hall.

The music of Hubert Parry and words of William Blake - Jerusalem

tisdag 25 augusti 2009

What is the song about?

The painting is called "Liberty Leading the People" (La Liberté guidant le Peuple).
The French artist Eugène Delacroix painted it in the autumn of 1830 in the memory of the July Revolution of 1830, where one king, Charles X, was overthrown by another, Louis-Philippe.

The woman is Marianne and she is the symbol of the French nation. She represents Liberty leading the people over the bodies of the fallen. In her hands she has the French flag, where the colours "Bleu-Blanc-Rouge" symbolize "Liberté - Egalité - Fraternité" from the revolution of 1789 and a weapon. On her head she has a Phrygian cap, which is also a symbol of freedom from 1789.

Check further on the reasons for the revolution here:

Why was Charles X removed from the throne?


  • Analyse the lyrics of the song "Viva la Vida" by Coldplay.

Who is telling the story? Who is the "I" in the text?

What is "I"'s problem/dilemma? What is "I" talking about?

What is the message?
  • Watch the video-clip below.

Think about what the images chosen represent.

Where is the clip situated?

Who are the people in the pictures?
  • Share you ideas with the rest of the class.

  • Sing together with Chris Martin and Coldplay.

måndag 18 maj 2009

SP08B "The Wave" discussion week 21

Welcome to join us, Collège Albert Camus, in our discussion about the book The Wave we are reading at the moment.

I would like you all to add a comment here below. SP08B, you are now approximately half way through the book. I would like to read your individual comments on:

- 2 scenes you have reacted on. Describe them, analyse them and compare them to yourself/society today/ your school/ another book / a film etc.

I and Dominique look forward to reading your texts.

måndag 11 maj 2009

English A - SP08B - week 20

Lamb To The Slaughter - short modern school versions

Welcome Collège Albert Camus and SP08B to share our video including 4 versions of Lamb To The Slaughter. We were 6 groups, but when the last 2 were about to perform their versions the video camera broke down. We were lucky to get these four. The quality is unfortunately quite bad due to the camera giving up.

Before writing and performing our plays we read the text and discussed it. We wrote comments on the French weblog and answered questions.

We have after that moved on to the film "Billy Elliot", watching, discussing and writing.

Today we started reading "The Wave". Discussion on French Weblog and/or here.