måndag 24 november 2008

CAE exam Wednesday 17 June 2009

For those of you who intend to do the CAE exam mid June I have added links to the website of Cambridge ESOL in the list to the right.

There is information about what to expect, excerpts of tests and also old tests to practice on, with answer keys.

söndag 16 november 2008

Novel reading SP08B - BF08

Morton Rhue (Todd Strasser) "The Wave"

- The English Wikpedia site on the book

- "This page is set up to document the many different appearances of 'The Wave'."

Many links. You can also watch the movie, buy it and the book.
Links to the new German film at the cinemas in December 2008. Look out for it!
Teaching resources as well.


- the website of the American writer Ron Jones who, in 1967, was the teacher creating the experiment of The Wave at a high school in Palo Alto, California.

- the official website of the German film "Die Welle" of 2008.

Novel reading SP08B - BF08

Margaret Bechard "Hanging on to Max"

- a biography of the author

- learn who Margaret Bechard is and what she has written

Novel reading SP08B - BF08

Roald Dahl "Danny - Champion of the World

- The English Wikipedia site with many links to other sites

- the marvelous official website

You will spend a lot of time here. You can listen to an interview with Roald Dahl.

There are also thorough teaching resources.

Novel reading SP08B - BF08

Louis Sachar "Holes"

- official website

- the film site with a lot to do

Includes a wide range of teaching resources and complete lesson plans.

Novel reading SP08B - BF08

Mark Haddon "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time"

- official website of the author
A wonderful site where you can spend a lot of time. Go to Virtual tour and click on Other stuff and Mark Haddon. Also check LIFE and the Links. At the link for the novel the first lines are read by a young boy. Do go here and listen!

söndag 2 november 2008

SP3A Novel reading weeks 45-48

Useful links:

The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

- read and listen to Toni Morrison's Nobel lecture at this site of the Nobel prize foundation.

- the Toni Morrison Society. Go to Resources and read the Newsletter.

- the Wikipedia site on Toni Morrison, where you also can click to read more about the novels.

- the Toni Morrison site of the University of Minnesota
- the wonderful site of the National Visionary Leadership Project!
Video-clips and interviews. Highly interesting teaching resources.

SP3A Novel reading weeks 45-48

Useful links:

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

- the Wikipedia site on Sylvia Plath

- thorough homepage on Sylvia Plath run by Anja Beckmann, Ulm, Germany

- the site of the Academy of American Poets, where, as a teacher, I find excellent ideas for teaching and lesson plans by clicking "For Educators", top right. Fine site.

SP3A Novel reading weeks 45-48

Useful links for your reading:

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

- the Wikipedia site on J D Salinger. Also go to the site on the novel.

- a fan-site

- a multi-media site by Hitesh Patel
- the Wikipedia text on the novel "David Copperfield"

fredag 31 oktober 2008

SP3A Novel reading weeks 45-48

Useful links

The Fifth Child by Doris Lessing

- the most official website

- Wikipedia on Doris Lessing with related links

- a blog where it is possible to discuss all kinds of books, just click the list with names of writers. By clicking this address you arrive directly to an interesting discussion about The Fifth Child.

torsdag 30 oktober 2008

SP3A Novel reading weeks 45-48

Useful links to support your reading
The Tempest by William Shakespeare
References in The Collector to The Tempest by William Shakespeare through Miranda, Caliban and Ferdinand.
Robinson Crusoe is also connected to The Tempest.

SP3A Novel reading weeks 45-48

Useful links connected to your novels

The Collector by John Fowles

We find themes of loneliness, power, human behaviour and the need for love. Describe them and also where you find their opposites in the novel.

http://www.fowlesbooks.com/ - The official web site of the author

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Fowles - Wikipedia on John Fowles including related links at the end.

SP3A Novel reading weeks 45-48

Useful links connected to your novels

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe

Read about the novel at Wikipedia, in particular read the text under Colonial. You also have related links at the end including full length text and a link to LibriVox where you can listen to the text.

Chasing Crusoe - http://www.rcrusoe.org/

Multimedia-site where you click around to learn about facts and fiction in the story. Interesting and very well done in certain aspects, but no analysis and almost nothing about Friday. How is this possible in 2008? What do you think?

Chasing Crusoe was produced by students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Journalism and Mass Communication and the Universidad de Los Andes, Facultad de Comunicación

tisdag 23 september 2008

Teknisk information till turistguide.

Hur man fixar liggande format:

Klicka på Arkiv
Välj Utskriftsformat…
Välj Liggande

Hur man sedan får två spalter:

Klicka på Format
Välj Spalter...
Välj Två

Observera: Om ni ska göra en framsida så måste framsidedelen ligga på den högra halvan av papperet annars blir det en baksida! Källorna lägger ni i den vänstra halvan i så fall, så att det blir en baksida.

måndag 22 september 2008

SP08B - Assignment - Tourist Info Pamphlet

The United States of America is a country that consists of fifty states governed under the same government. Each state has its own separate government though, each governing their own state. Each state therefore has its own economy and governor etc.

You have got an assignment from one of these states’ tourist office. You are supposed to write a short but informative pamphlet about the state of your choice. The text will cover the basics about your state but also places worth visiting and sights worth seeing.

Note: One state per group, two groups are not allowed to have the same state.

You will work in pairs and write your article in one A4, landscape mode, using 12 point text. The actual text you write will consist of no less than ½ A4 and no more than a full A4. However, you can use whichever layout you want. If you want to add basic facts about your state, you are allowed to have a box containing the basics on the front page (optional). You may use how many pictures you like but remember they will not take more than ½ A4 altogether.

Note: State your sources!

23/9 - Assignment handout, walkthrough, questions and choosing states.
29/9 - Gather information by using the Internet or the library. Datasal 217 är bokad.
30/9 - Work on your pamphlets. Datasal 217 är bokad.
6/10 - Swedish essay - no English lesson today.
7/10 - Finish your pamphlets. Hand them in by the end of the lesson. Datasal 217 är bokad.

lördag 13 september 2008

SP2B week 38-39

"About a Boy" - Nick Hornby

* Watch the film "About a Boy" based on the novel with the same name by Nick Hornby. The film both begins and ends with the famous phrase "No Man is an Island" and is a modern illustration of John Donne's (1572-1631) Renaissance poem "Meditation XVII".

* Discuss in groups the questions about the film handed out

* Go to the site of The British Council - Arts - Literature - Contemporary writers and read about Nick Hornby


* Go to the site of Indiana State University to understand the origins of the famous phrase and see an example of how modern texts are interconnected with classical ones. There are explanations to the text and it is also possible to listen to the poem.


* Analyze the lyrics, watch the video and sing the song by Simon and Garfunkel " I am a Rock"


* Write at least 1/2 a page and not more than one page of reflections where you show
how the film illustrates
- the isolation vs. the interconnectedness that John Donne refers to in his poem
- the part from the same poem, "...for whom the bell tolls..."

* Send your text to my e-mail-address at school

tisdag 9 september 2008

SP2B week 37


- Countable and uncountable nouns
- There is / there are

Find and do exercises at Grammar Aquarium ( link to the right)

Links related to unit MEETINGS:


We will watch the film About a Boy week 38.