torsdag 30 oktober 2008

SP3A Novel reading weeks 45-48

Useful links connected to your novels

The Collector by John Fowles

We find themes of loneliness, power, human behaviour and the need for love. Describe them and also where you find their opposites in the novel. - The official web site of the author - Wikipedia on John Fowles including related links at the end.

42 kommentarer:

Millan sa...

Very good Hultman :D

Kajsa Lundberg sa...

I completely agree with Millan. Very good work Hultman!

Cecilia sa...


Millan sa...

Kajsa, it is sooooo nice to speak with you over internet. Some day maybe in real live too?
I look forward to say hey to you someday!

Love your strange friend, Millan.

Millan sa...


Per sa...

Halloo? How much? ;)

Kajsa Lundberg sa...

Millan, I think it won't be long 'til we see each other IRL. Because I am planning on coming to your work out tomorrow. How about that?

Love, your dear friend kajsa

Kajsa Lundberg sa...


Per sa...

Hugo Boss XY ;)

Kajsa Lundberg sa...


Mr.Nilsson sa...

Very nice!!

Millan sa...

OMG. I can feel it in the air. it is something very special. You are sooooo much welcome. We only have one problem: I don't know if I am going to have the work out tomorrow. I took a few days off this week because I do not feel so good. I have to think about it. Maybe it will turn out very well if I take it easy this evening! I will inform you tomorrow :) OFC IRL :) Kisses ;)

tove sa...

I think you should discuss our book, Kajsa, you are on the wrong page. (And wtf, workout?) How about kladdkaka? *joking*

Kajsa Lundberg sa...

OH NO! I've been looking forward to this for so long now. Thinking of you and your bobypump just makes my days. What will I now be thinking of when my life is falling apart? Please keep me informed about how your health is doing. I really hope it's nothing to serious. Like chlamydia or HIV. ^^


Kajsa Lundberg sa...

well, How about that Tove? ;D Kladdkaka today maybe? ;)

tove sa...

Kladdkaka today: I'm on. I'm always on. (for crissake, did I just confess that?!)

Millan sa...

Ha ha. I promise, it isn't so serious. I will tell you tomorrow!
Have you start read your book?

Millan sa...

Markus and I talked a little bit. We decided to only read 1/3 of the book. Why? Because we have soo much right now and it's enough. I am sure we can talk a lot anyway. Hope it's okey.

Sandra O sa...

1/3 of the book, it's okay.

Mr.Nilsson sa...

1/3 is perfect! Like you said, i'm sure we can talk a lot about it anyway!

Hultman sa...

Welcome to the book club!

I really look forward to your comments on this novel, while reading it.

Mr.Nilsson sa...

The first twenty pages is not very interesting. I fell asleep 4 times!

Hultman sa...

Please Mr Nilsson, explain more what you mean by "not interesting".

Do you all have the same experience while reading?

Why / why not?

Curious? Yes I am!

Discuss it? Yes we can!

Millan sa...

I have read about 30 pages and my opinion is the same as MarCKus. The start of the book isn't very interesting. But it started to be more exciting when I had to sleep. (So I couldn't read more)^^ The language is quite easy but it don't happens so much.
Probably the book is going to be better the more I read. I can feel that the book has potential ;]

Mr.Nilsson sa...

It feels like he just repeats himself the first pages. But later on when he have kidnapped her the book becomes more interesting. Thinks starts to happen

Sandra O sa...

I think it's interesting to read when he is preparing to kidnap her. When he keeps telling himself that it's just pretending, but the truth is that he is seriuos all the time. He just don't edmit it to himself, until it's finally time to go trough with it. But I think that it will get even more interesting as it goes on, too.

Hultman sa...

Friends, friends.

What does "interesting" mean?
It's like "nice" or "good". If you do not develop the sentence it means nothing.
I hope you have different opinions and that you dare sharing them:-)

Come on! Show me what you have!

Cecilia sa...

with interesting I mean that I have never read a book about this theam before. It's also interesting to read both the girls side of the story and the boys side since they have so diffrent opinions and ways to think and act.

Millan sa...

When I write "interesting" I mean if I want to keep reading the book or not. If I start to read a book and force myself to read it then I don't think it is interesting. If I lay on the couch and it takes five minutes to read one page, then the book isn't interesting..
That is what I mean with interesting :)

Dreams are what the future is made of sa...

I agree with Sandra, it's interesting to read about when the man is prepering to kidnap Miranda, it lead to that you want to see if he really kidnap her.
When I say that a book is interesting I mean that the book is good, the book want's to be read and I want to read it.

Cecilia sa...

it's fascinating to see how you change whose side your on depending on whose side of the story you are reading.

Mr.Nilsson sa...

With interesting I mean if the book is worth reading, a book you can't put away. You just have to read another page all the time. Some books that's not interesting can take forever to read just one page and you really don´t care what will happen in the next page.

Since I missed the first discussion this week, here is my opinion of the first part of the book!

In the beginning nothing really happened. The man planned everything in his head but it felt like he just repeated himself the first twenty pages. The books starts to be interesting when he finally kidnapped the girl. It was facinating that he thought all along that he wouldn't go through with kidnapping until he actually did it.
I also think that it´s very facinating to read about what's going on i the boys head. He actually thinks that he can make this girl to fall in love with him by kidnapping her and he also think that he is a good host and not a kidnapper.
Another good thing is that you get the story both from the girls point of view and the boys. It makes you think and the story becomes more interesting.

Hultman sa...

Thanks for your comments.
I still need some development here and there. Yes, a book is interesting when you want to continue to read. It has caught your attention.

What caught your attention?
Why do you want to continue reading?

That is what I want to know. That is what we can feed the discussion with: your different reactions on the content.

Put words on them and participate. It's much more fun and rewarding than not to.

I look forward to reading and listening to your discussions.

Mr.Nilsson sa...

What really caught my attention was when I started to understand the plans the man had and the fact that he didn't know if he were going to go through with his plans or not. That is a interesting theme for a book if you ask me.

Hultman sa...

Thanks a lot Mr Nilsson. Interesting comments developing your, my and the other readers', perception of the novel.

What do you think made him actually go through with the plans? What drives him?

Dreams are what the future is made of sa...

What caught my attantion is the same thing that caught Marcus attentions, absolutely.
Before I said that the book was interesting because I wanted to read more and more and that's because I want to read more about Miranda and how she will handle this terrible situation.

Rasmus Juntorp sa...

God evening friends! I've seen you have all written a lot about the book. I have just finished his part and read a few of her first pages.
As you said last tuesday Elisabeth, the way the author changes his writingstile makes an important difference between the main characters. The book get's interesting in a different way. You really want to see what she is thinking about him and what she feels.

Cecilia sa...

Interesting how we always end up discussing the language of the book. For med the language isn't the most important thing when I read a book, but in this book it's used as a prove to how diffrent Mirandra and Ferdinand are.

Hultman sa...

Thank you, dearest friends, for your input and lively discussions both live at school and here through your comments.

What themes could you discuss in your written assignment?

Rasmus Juntorp sa...

This book has a lot of got themes actually! So for me I know I won't have any problems to find any, but maybe problems to decide which themes I should pick!

Millan sa...

Good for you Fjunet. Then you maybe can tell me about some properly theme? :-)

Marcus and I are going to have our discussion on tuesday, I think. I have read until page 160 (as we said) and the book really starts to catch me. The girl are writing "He wants to buy things for me. I could ask for anything. Except my freedom". When i read it, I started to think. Why is he treating her so well? I do understand that he is lonely (or alone?) and wants company but does he really think that she is going to fall in love with him? Or what is his plan?

She accept him and writes that "there is only one real person in my world" and that no one can understand that she have to be nice to him. That kindness is the only chance to get free. She refer to that you have to experience the lonelyness otherwise you do not understand what she is pass through.

Finally I have to way that I rejected the book too early. It is interesting. I want keep reading and it is an exiting book.


Millan sa...

I mean she IS writing. Of course