måndag 18 maj 2009

SP08B "The Wave" discussion week 21

Welcome to join us, Collège Albert Camus, in our discussion about the book The Wave we are reading at the moment.

I would like you all to add a comment here below. SP08B, you are now approximately half way through the book. I would like to read your individual comments on:

- 2 scenes you have reacted on. Describe them, analyse them and compare them to yourself/society today/ your school/ another book / a film etc.

I and Dominique look forward to reading your texts.

14 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Thank you for the invitation we will certainly take the opportunity to write to you. We will start studying on the film tomorrow.
All the best.
Dominique Paci

Rudina sa...

The Wave
The first scene I have reacted on was when Laurie Saunders was against this whole experiment. She recognized that the students had changed the behaviour and she had to do something about it before it was too late. She thought about publishing an article to stop this whole experiment. Everyone was trying to get Laurie to the group but she didn't care about it because she saw how the students have changed so quickly just for a few days. Something wasn't right. Laurie was a strong person, I had done the same thing that she did because if something isn't right I would do anything to change it. It doesn't have to be the group pressure just to fit in school. You have to say no to something if you don't like it. It's is important because in todays society people want to fit in with the popular children just to be noticed. In our class we talk to everyone and that doesn't mean that we have to be in a special group.
Another scene I have reacted on was this guy Robert. Before this class experiment he felt rejected and lonely but as The Wave started he felt more equal and had a higher status. Everyone in The Wave had more confidence and they had a positive attitude over The Wave because Mr. Ross had taught them to be a group and to feel special. This shows how a lonely boy felt like everyone else. Today some people are lonely and they don't feel like the fit in to the group in school. It don't have to be that way because everyone has do be respectful and show that everyone is equal no matter what. In our school I don't think that someone is alone. Everybody has a friend they can trust. It is important to show that everyone is equal and for Robert I think that he felt it in The Wave. This book shows how students can be affected just for one lesson that went too far.

Andreas sa...

The first scene I reacted on was when Mrs. Saunders was so against this little experiment. Why it was so wrong that everyone in the class became equal to each other. Probably did Mrs. Saunders want her daughter to be more popular than the others like it was before. But her daughter thought it was a good experiment at the start so she and her mother had smaller argue. When they get opportunities like this they should do everything to keep it like this, as equal as possible. Only good things will come out of this.
The second scene I reacted on was when Robert came to the dinner table in the cafeteria and sat with all the others and also spoke to them. Before this experiment he never talked to anyone, he was just lying on his bench with his head down in his arms. This experiment gave him the chance to start over again and be equal to all his classmates. If you get a chance like this, of course you will take it. He went from the bullied boy to a regular boy just like everybody else. This lesson changed all of their lives. The Wave is a thing they will always remember.


Bawar Ismail sa...

The first scene I reacted on was when Mr.Ross tried to figure out why students where attracted by The Wave. Some of the people he asked said that it was something new and different, others said they liked that they were all equals in The Wave and some even said that they liked discipline. This made me react as The Wave showed that it somehow was like the Nazis and Nazigermany.

Hitler and the nationalsocialist movement got much support by the people because Hitler and his followers were different. They said things other politicians didnt say and they somehow united the people and made them believe that the problems Germany had was because of the Jews and the Communists and not the peoples fault. This thought united those who supported the movement and they all felt equal because they shared the same thoughts.

Another thing that I reacted on was when Laurie and her publishing-crew publishes articles about The Wave. Just like in Nazigermany, the freedom of speach was forbidden. The radical members of The Wave, for an example Robert who makes an statement about Laurie and the publishing of the critical article:
"Laurie Sanders is a threat. She must be stopped", shows that they are ready to silence those who doesnt agree with them. Just like in Hitlers Germany and in any other state controlled by a dictator. Laurie Sanders reminds of another journalist during Hitlers quest for power in Germany. His name was Fritz Gerlich and he was a leading criticizer of Hitler. After the Nazis seized power he was arrested and sent to a concentration camp until they killed him during Night of the Long Knives.

Bawar Ismail

edwin sa...

There is similiar signs from the book and the nazi-ruling. Mr Ross experiment was brilliant in many ways like, he gave the students a rare experience. It was obvious that some of the students thought it was a bad experiment like Mrs Saunders for instance. She was against this experiment because she knew what could happen because she's a very smart girl. I think one of the reason of Mr Ross being able to control "The Wave" is that he's a very popular teacher. Laurie Mother gets more and more worried and she thinks it's starting to look like a "cult". I reacted to how easily Ben seduced the students into this and how they didnt realize they where doing the same thing as the nazis.

Daniel sa...

The first scene I reacted on was the second lesson. That lesson after they had talked about dicipline and decided to make an experiment. Everyone came back to the second lesson and do everything that Mr. Ross told them the lesson before. All stood there waiting on him and said strength through dicipline. I think that there are always someone that don't want to make an experiment that the teacher told them to do or think it's ridicoulus. But here all think it's good thing and continue with it. They feel some strange power to continue with it and that all are equal and maybe it's going to be a good thing.
The second scene I reacted over was that Prinicpal Owens said to Mr. Ross that the experiment was ok. Almost everyone were involved in the experiment and gone away from the lesson they actually have. He allowed that people gone away from their real lessons. He don't think this experiment have gone to far already when Mr.Ross and he talks about it.
In the real school nobody had allowed to make an experiment that is so big and take so many lessons away from their teaching or make it gone so far.

Maria sa...

The wave

One scene I remember is the second lesson. The whole class just screamed out: "strength through discipline, strength through the Community," while they did salute. I thought it was terrible. It reminded so much of the Nazis. I got a shiver when I realized that it had happened in reality. I can not believe they did not understand or see them before. I was also afraid of the teacher when he became so involved that I do not think he can end it. It just made me afraid.

The other thing I remember was when Robert, in the end, began to cry. I think he started to cry, because it was over. He became so involved in it. He had never been popular, has always been alone. So I think he was really sad that in the end. He thought he probebly would be alone again. I also think he was afraid of him. That he would be a Nazi just to have friends. He was desperate. That he would harm himself.

Tessie sa...

I have read the whole book and the scene that I remember is when David pusched Laurie in the grass in the middel of the night. I think I remember it because thing's like that scarres me and I'm afried to walk alone in the night and after that with the locker I would not want to be alone. And when Amy told her not to publice the text, I would never ever go alone. I now something is going on and after the fight with the boys I woluld be very afried. The adder scene is home at Mr. Ross home. and he is sitting by the dinner tabel and his wife walkes in and understand the experiment that he is going to do and she is okej with it and she knows him that well that she trusted him and is not worried, I think everybody whant someone like that.

Julia M sa...

The Wave
The first secen I responded to was when Ben Ross had his second lesson on its expriment. To have so many to listen and do as he says is terrified. They really looked up to him. Students felt that this was really good and that others who disagreed was wrong. It is terrified that it went so quickly that some students began to look up to him and then have an entire school that looked up to him in less than a few days.

The second secen was when David would talk to Laurie. He would just talk to her first but then something went wrong and he gets her down on the ground just because she does not want to listen to him. That it would take so long to understand that this was not good. He had been down his own girlfriend on the ground and was angry only because of the wave.
That will bring down his own girlfriend and make her bad before recognizing that this is wrong is unintelligible

Ellinor sa...

The Wave
One of the scenes that I remember is when Mrs. Saunders is so against the whole experiment. Her reaction when she hear it from Laurie is so strong and she couldn't possibly know that it would turn out so bad. Maybe she just want Laurie to be the best or maybe she just have a bad feeling about this experiment. Either way her gut feeling is right and the whole thing goes way to far. It has happened sometimes that people in my enviroment have that gut feeling and most of the times they are right about it.
The second scene I reacted on was in the end when Mr. Ross was in the auditorium and everyone in the Wave was there to see there national leader. Instead they are shown the movie on Hitler and the nazis. The reaction on the kids when they realize that they have almost become Nazis is remarkable. They where stunned about how far they had gone and about the fact that if they had been in Germany they had been Nazis. It was really fun to read about this part when they realize that. I have never been in a sitation like that and I hope I never will be either. But I will always remember this book and how easy it is that history repeat itself.

Julia Andersson sa...

The first scene I reacted on was when Laurie didn't want to follow David to the rally and he said to her that she is jealous because she is not the most popular and smartest girl anymore. He thinks that everyone are equal to each other. I cant understand how anyone could be so brainwashed. I mean we have to understand that we are not equal when it comes to beeing smart. We are all good at different things but we all want to be good at everything but we can't and we aren't. I try to understand that you cant be good at everything but I wont understand that.

The other scene that I remember is the one when David pushes Laurie to the ground. He feel that he is getting mad against his will and when Laurie says that she hates him and The wave he gets really mad and throw her down. After that he realise that he has been brainwashed. It just like in the movies: Love overcome everything :D, but it's not true when it comes to the real world. No one understand what love really is, today I can talk to people and ask them why they don't talk with their partners when something is wrong, but they just starr at me like I'm stupid. They don't understand that your partner is you best friend you have to tell each other everything, you have to share, it gets much more easier and for they who don't understand that: Love cant overcome everything!!!!!

Malin Borgryd sa...

The first scene I reacted to was when all the Wave members sat together in the cafeteria. Robert has always been bullied and now he is like everybody else. He can talk about what he wants to and the others just listen to him and they don't laugh. People today are still bullied and other people don't care about them. They just walk past them, without notice.

The other scene is when the whole experiment tears apart. The only person who gets sad about the tear up is Robert. He has been in the group and now he has to go back to the way it was before. No one would ever talk or see at him again.
This happens today. Let me explain. If you are in a group with people you don't know and you are supposed to work with them as a team, you can feel in that day. The next day, they won't notice you.

Fredde sa...

The first scene i reacted on was that so many people joined the group. Ben has been changed as person and he putt up some hard rules for the class. It's verry easy to join the wave and many students from did that.
Another thing i reacted on was when Robert, who is a bullied guy in the class been equal with all the others in the group.

sandra 3°4 sa...

It was very interesting to chat with Swedish students, and I hope it will continue, beacause I had a real good contact with my coresspondent.

It was interesting to see our and their points of viex or way of thinking by the exercices about lamb to the slaughtet, or the Wave...

It was funny to see to see the videos of each about the same subject, and it's really damage that we were not able to make exchange by webcams, or why not a real exchange ?!