fredag 31 oktober 2008

SP3A Novel reading weeks 45-48

Useful links

The Fifth Child by Doris Lessing

- the most official website

- Wikipedia on Doris Lessing with related links

- a blog where it is possible to discuss all kinds of books, just click the list with names of writers. By clicking this address you arrive directly to an interesting discussion about The Fifth Child.

10 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

I hope the book is good.

Kajsa Lundberg sa...

So do I Nathalie. I'm thinking about maybe take the day of from work out today to read. :) Maybe bake a cake. Well, how about that? :D

Hultman sa...

Welcome to the book club!

I very much look forward to reading your comments on this novel.

Anonym sa...

When I had readed the half book did it feels like Í was waiting for something to happend. The book was building up something you wanted to know.

tove sa...

Okay, have read the book. Actually it was a time ago, but here is a comment.
I cant believe it! Did she actually win THE Nobel prize? The book tells us a story about a family who gets a baby that's not like their other kids. Doris Lessing is writing in a very special way, as a reader you pitty and even dislike this little kiddo.
I really dont like it. At any part.

Anonym sa...

The book is now ended and Iam disapointed. The fith child was not like i had expect and the hole build up story around the book was like a wasted story.

tove sa...

What do you think about my angry comment? Who would you like to see win the Nobel prize?

tove sa...

yes, I agree with you Nathalie, I was actually very disappointed, which, as you see made me angry. I'm so pissed off that I'm considering reading another book by Doris Lessing, this CAN'T be her best one..

Kajsa Lundberg sa...

I agree with that you are saying Nathalie, about how you keep waiting for something to happen. It is not until maybe in the middle of the book that things really are kicking of.

But the most disturbing part for me is that the author never explains anything! The things just happen and you never get any good explanations for how they happen or why.

I think that maybe she wants us (the readers) to read between the lines and put our own thoughts in motion to create the circumstances around the center point.

I think that I would have appreciate it more if I read it again. Now having all the cards on my hand so to speech.

Nathalie and Tove, next time. I choose the book!

tove sa...

Yeah, okay, I get the picture, you go on and choose book, Kajsa. I believe that's the best thing to do after this huge disappointment. (?)

What I missed in this book is more explanations, I don't like to analyse things afterwards and THEN fully understand the book, I want to understand why people are acting in one way while reading.

Doris Lessing have created a book with strange characters, it is a book you read because you have to, but I don't think that I'll forget it.